10 April 2022    /


Maybe you have not paid attention to your skin until now or maybe, on the contrary, you know all the beauty trends of the moment and are confused. Whatever your starting point, we explain where to start - the 4 pillars that should follow as kin care routine according to your age, 20-30, focused on prevention: cleaning, hydration, sun protection and a healthy lifestyle. It is the best time to start taking care of your skin. The habits you start now will serve you for a lifetime.


Do you remove makeup and clean your face every day? Using makeup remover wipes may be an option at certain times, but it is not enough!

Even if you are lazy, remove make-up and clean your face before going to sleep. It is important to remove the impurities that accumulate throughout the day on your skin, even if you have not put on makeup, so that the rest of the routine does the desired action. In the morning it will help to remove the sebum produced overnight and remnants of cosmetics applied. Keeping the skin clean is essential for it to be healthy. And healthy skin is beautiful skin!

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Vitamin C Face Wash
₹ 299.00₹ 299.00


Hydration is the fundamental pillar of your routine. In young skin like yours, the water content is the most superficial layer of the skin, it is higher than 10-20% of the total water content in the rest of the body. The skin maintains its hydration, its moisture, by the water coming from the lower layers. If the water content is less than 10%, the skin becomes brittle, rough, and dull.

Fine lines are more visible, and the skin renewal process slows down, the skin appears rough and scaly. The barrier function is altered, and we lose the natural resistance of the skin against external factors such as the weather, solar radiation, or pollution.

Keeping the skin hydrated is key to having elastic and luminous skin. After cleansing, apply a Himaira's Hydro Bomb moisturiser, based on pure Hyaluronic Acid, to deeply hydrate your skin and give it luminosity. In addition to Hyaluronic Acid, it contains a complex of active ingredients that help prevent the first signs of ageing and eliminate that feeling of dryness on the skin.


Protection is essential! Do you remember the phrase: Is it better to be safe than sorry? The sun is the main enemy of your skin because it affects your skin every day of the year. UVB radiation causes sunburn, but UVA radiation is responsible for its premature ageing.

Daily exposure to solar radiation accelerates the appearance of signs of ageing on the skin. Even if you don't see its effects now, in a few years you will appreciate having included this product in your cosmetic routine!

Using a sunscreen daily is the best treatment to prevent skin ageing. Begin your morning routine with a sunscreen that suits your needs.

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Sunscreen Mousse - Himaira
₹ 699.00₹ 699.00


Your lifestyle has a lot to do with your skin. To start taking care of your skin, improve your habits and build a healthy lifestyle.

Relax and enjoy. You are living the best years of your life, but it is normal not to have everything under control. Try to keep stress at bay. What happens to us emotionally manifests itself many times on our skin: being relaxed, in a good mood it is also reflected on your skin, you will be radiant! Activate your body. Sport stimulates circulation and enables the skin to receive more oxygen and nutrients. Did you stop playing sports during college? Have you started working out and feel like you don't have time to go to the gym? It's time to get back on it! There are no excuses. Being in shape will never be as easy as now and you will feel like never before. You can practice many activities that will help you stay active, and it can also be a perfect excuse to spend more time with friends. Take care of your diet. What you eat has an impact on your skin. Do you suffer from acne? Excessive consumption of sugar, white or refined flours and skimmed dairy are associated with a greater presence of acne. Watch what you eat! Are you thinking of signing up for that cooking course you saw? It may be a good idea to start. Rest. Don't forget to take care of yourself; Having time for yourself also means stopping and resting when necessary. Sleep at least 7 hours a day, you will see it reflected in your general health, and in your skin.

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Disclaimer: The information in this article is for educational purposes only. It should not be substituted as professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner.